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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (60) 2015

Media Ethics

JACEK BARLIKPełny tekst artykułuEnforcing standards or educating specialists? Two approaches to ethics in American public relations
BARTOSZ GŁOWACKIPełny tekst artykułuInternet as a source of information for the journalist – breaching the truth versus media ethics
PRZEMYSŁAW SZEWSPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articleJournalist or PR-specialist: impossible and unethical connection?

Media Law

LECH JAWORSKIPełny tekst artykułuA journalist’s professional secrecy in the light of the Polish law. Part 1. The right to anonymity
KATARZYNA BŁESZYŃSKAPełny tekst artykułu„Legitimate interest” in press as a circumstance excluding illegality of personal rights’ violation


OLGA DĄBROWSKA-CENDROWSKAPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articleConcentration, specialization, diversification of products and services – activities of media groups with foreign capitals in the market of Polish magazines


JAN BELICZYŃSKIPełny tekst artykułuRadio management as the media management subdiscipline

Advertising in the Media

ANITA UCHAŃSKAPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articlePhotography in media and advertising – new trends


JAGODA BLOCHPełny tekst artykułuThe impact of muscles of mastication on the voice timbre and vowel articulation

Media Abroad

KATARZYNA CZAJKOWSKA, KAROL W. JANOŚPełny tekst artykułuModels of governance and control of public service and state electronic media in selected countries in Africa, South America, Asia and Europe

European Media Policy

ALICJA JASKIERNIA, MICHAŁ GŁOWACKIPełny tekst artykułuNew technologies and protection of media freedom. Personnel changes in the areas of media policy and the announcement of new regulations and actions in the Council of Europe and European Union

Reports from Conferences

PAULINA BARCZYSZYN, JACEK NOŻEWSKIPełny tekst artykułuReport from the conference „Communication studies and political science. Together or separately? 18 years of Department of Social Communication and Journalism at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Wroclaw”, Wroclaw, January 23, 2015


ALICJA WASZKIEWICZ-RAVIVPełny tekst artykułuHealth communication – interpersonal, organizational and mass media
ed. Tomasz Goban-Klas
WIESŁAW SONCZYKPełny tekst artykułuJerzy Jastrzębski
Stubbornness learning. Media, identity and the public sphere
ŁUKASZ SZURMIŃSKIPełny tekst artykułuJournalism that matters. Views from Central and Eastern Europe
ed. Michał Głowacki, Epp Lauk, Auksė Balčytienė
KRZYSZTOF WASILEWSKIPełny tekst artykułuAgnieszka Szymańska, Agnieszka Hess
National, ethnic and religious minorities in the media
MAGDALENA PANOŃKOPełny tekst artykułuMark Wheeler
Celebrity politics: Image and identity in modern political communications
ANNA DREWNIAKPełny tekst artykułuCreativity and innovation in the digital era. Creative destruction 2
ed. Anna Zorska, Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech, Bohdan Jung
MICHAŁ KARBOWIAKPełny tekst artykułuDorota Kowalska, Wojciech Rogacin Shocking stories of Polish war reporters