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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (41) 2010

Media in Poland

BOGUSŁAWA DOBEK-OSTROWSKAEnglish version of the articleParty system and media in Poland - dependences and relations
LUCYNA SZOTInfluence of journalist professionalism on the transformation of Polish press after 1989
KATARZYNA POKORNA-IGNATOWICZEnglish version of the articlePolish public television as "political loot"
WOJCIECH FURMANEnglish version of the articlePolitical parallelism of Polish weeklies of opinion on the example of the dispute about Lech Walesa in 2008
AGNIESZKA KAMPKABetween government and citizens - media in the debate on the reform of education
ARTUR TRUDZIKThe 1989-1990 breakthrough in Polish press then and now
WIESŁAW SONCZYKEnglish version of the articlePress distribution in Poland before 1989
OLGA DĄBROWSKA-CENDROWSKATwenty years later. Publishing activity of Burda Poland, H. Bauer, Gruner+Jahr Poland and Axel Springer Poland concerns on the Polish press market

Media Abroad

MICHAŁ KACZMARCZYKEnglish version of the articleNew strategy of "Nowy Dziennik"

Political Communication and Media

DOROTA PIONTEKPolitical communication as popular culture

Reports from Conferences

JOANNA SZYLKO-KWASReport from a conference “Media–Business–Culture. Pomerania 2010”, Gdansk, March 25–26, 2010

Short Communications

MAREK PALCZEWSKIOntological news models. Issues related


WIESŁAW SONCZYKMarceli Kosman “Fate of the General. Around the Gen. Jaruzelski’s media image”
ALICJA JASKIERNIAEwa Stasiak-Jazukiewicz „Danish media”
OLGA DĄBROWSKA-CENDROWSKA”Media systems in Balkan countries”, ed. by Zbigniew Oniszczuk and Marian Gierula
ANNA MIŁOSZEWSKAMarek Sokołowski „(R)evolution in communication. Introduction to media studies”
BERNADETTA DARSKAEdyta Łyszkowska “Imitating behaviour in women based on the influence of television and daily life experiences. A socio-pedagogic study”