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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (45) 2011

Anniversary of the Polish Press

DARIUSZ ROTTThe beginnings of Polish press. From Gallus Anonymous to Jan Aleksander Gorczyn
JAN TOMKOWSKIRememberance and newspaper
WIKTOR PEPLIŃSKIEnglish version of the article350 years of Polish press (an outlook on its past and present)

Media in Poland

TOMASZ GACKOWSKIThe "bandwagon effect". Why do media need survey polls during the inter-election period?
PAWEŁ URBANIAKEnglish version of the articleMedia accountability system as a symptom of self-regulating mechanisms of media market shaping
DOMINIKA RAFALSKAEnglish version of the articleThe Accused K.

Genres of Journalism

MAREK MILLERPolyphonic report novel

From History

PAWEŁ SZULCEnglish version of the articleBetween ether and paper. “Solidarność Radia i Telewizji” – the Radiokomitet journalists’ magazine
KONRAD W. TATAROWSKIEnglish version of the articleOn Jan Nowak-Jezioranski’s journalistic work prior to 1989

Short Communications

PAULINA BARCZYSZYN, MICHAŁ GŁOWACKI, ADAM MICHELProject of 7. Framework Programme of the European Community (2010–2013) in Wroclaw: Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe: MediaAcT

Reports from Conferences

JUSTYNA ZIOBROŃ“»Soft power« in international relations” Conference, Wroclaw, November 18–19, 2010
ALICJA JASKIERNIAReport from the conference “The future of public media in Poland”, Warsaw, January 14, 2011
MARCIN ŁĄCZYŃSKIReport from the conference “Journalistic culture in different media systems”, Wroclaw, February 23, 2011
TOMASZ FRASZCZYKReport from an academic seminar “Media systems around the world – theoretical reflection and practical experience”, Warsaw, March 25, 2011


BEATA NOWACKAArtur Domosławski Kapuściński non-fiction
KAMILA KAMIŃSKAFree media? Journalist circles in 1989, ed. Paweł Szulc, Tadeusz Wolsza
WIESŁAW SONCZYKFiction or reality? Polish Radio Szczecin’s choice of programmes between 1945–1989, ed. and introd. Paweł Szulc
MAŁGORZATA KITAEwa Szkudlarek-Śmiechowicz Text in radio and television public debate. Structure – coherence – functionality
MAGDALENA ŚLAWSKAKazimierz Michalewski Mixed communications
JACEK WASILEWSKIAgnieszka Kampka Perswazja w języku polityki
ILONA PAWŁOWSKAMagdalena Karciarz, Maciej Dutko Information on the Internet