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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (31) 2007

Papers and Documents

WŁODZIMIERZ GOGOŁEKPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articleFleeting Information Freedoms of Information Societies
DOROTA INGLIK-DZIĄGPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articleVirtual Reality - the Media's Role as an Intermediary in the Experience of Reality in the Post-Modern Mass Society
KRZYSZTOF RYSZARD NOWAKOWSKIPełny tekst artykułuFunctional Theory and the Role of Media in Europe
ANNA RYŁKO-KURPIEWSKAPełny tekst artykułuEnglish version of the articleControversy over Traditional Research on Advertising and its Message
PAWEŁ STĘPKAEnglish version of the articleIntegrated Regulatory Bodies in the Age of Technological Convergence
BOGUSŁAW KOSMUSDelivery of Lawsuit Notices for Press Court Cases
ŁUKASZ SZURMIŃSKIEnglish version of the articleThe Kaliningrad Oblast in Polish Media between 1995-2006
JUSTYNA GAJTowards Political Independence. Polish Press Agency over the Last 15 Years

Reports and Information

ALICJA WASZKIEWICZPope John Paul II Leaving to Join the Father in the Polish Media
MICHAŁ GŁOWACKIComparing Media Systems. West Meets East


WIESŁAW SONCZYKJerzy Giedroyć and his "Kultura" Periodical. The Parisienne "Kultura" Periodical. The Works, its Creators and Reception Edited by Iwona Hofman
IWONA HOFMANJerzy Giedroyc, Witold Gombrowicz Letters 1950-1969