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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (46) 2011

Media Convergence

KATARZYNA KOPECKA-PIECHEnglish version of the articleMedia convergence concepts
JAN KREFTProblems with convergence

Media Abroad

ALICJA JASKIERNIAEnglish version of the articleFrom “The New York Times” to “The Huffington Post”. American press transformation
KRZYSZTOF ZUBAEnglish version of the articleFirst televised election debates in Great Britain


MICHAŁ GAJLEWICZEnglish version of the articleArgumentation and persuasive techniques in advertising

From History

RAFAŁ HABIELSKIEnglish version of the articleBuzzing mosquito. Stefan Kisielewski 1911-1991-2011

From The Foreign Scientists’ Research

WALENTYN NIKOŁAJEWICZ WANDYSZEWJournalism in a light of interactive communication: history and modern day

Short Communications

MARCIN ŁĄCZYŃSKI“Journalism Education – formation of professional identity in changing media systems” Project
MAREK PALCZEWSKIOn the benefits of journalist epistemology
KATARZYNA KOCHANIAKPromotion of European Basketball Championships – EuroBasket 2009 Poland. A new approach in a crisis situation

Reports from Conferences

ANNA MIŁOSZEWSKASpeaking fluently, correctly and politely. Report from the II National Academic Conference, “Ethics and manners in language communication”, Będlewo, April 11–13, 2011
MICHAŁ DROŻDŻIV Central European Communication Forum “Convergence: Media in Future – Future in Media”, Kraków, 5–7 maja 2011 roku
JOLANTA KĘPA-MĘTRAKDeliberations on media at the Sociology Department. National Academic Conference “Where do we come from and where are we heading? Social consequences of Polish media system transformation”, Olsztyn, May 18, 2011
MARCIN ŁĄCZYŃSKIReport from the “9th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe – Transitions, Visions and Beyond”, Stockholm, June 12–15, 2011
RAFAŁ WARDZYŃSKIReport from Academic Conference “Polish-Polish war in media. Problems with political discourse”, Warsaw, June 16, 2011


BERNADETTA DARSKABernard Poulet The end of press and the future of information
BOGUSŁAWA BODZIOCH-BRYŁAMaryla Hopfinger Literature and media after 1989
ANNA JUPOWICZ-GINALSKARobert Niczewski, Jakub Potrzebowski Celebrities attack. Celebrity effect as an effective tool in marketing communication
ANDRZEJ ŚWIĄTECKIBartłomiej Jagłowski, Dariusz Rott Cuba’s image in modern day Polish travel reports (Jerzy Adamuszek, Beata Pawlikowska, Agnieszka Buda-Rodriguez)
WŁODZIMIERZ GOGOŁEKThe past, present and future of Polish computer science, initiative and ed. by Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
MONIKA WOJDOWSKAPaul Levinson New new media
MAŁGORZATA KITAJacek Warchala, Aldona Skudrzyk Literacy culture of the young generation
HALINA TUMOLSKABetween history, political science and media studies. Selected problems, ed. by Tadeusz Wallas
ALICJA WASZKIEWICZ“Central European Journal of Communication”