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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (39) 2009

Papers and Documents

Discussion panel Media and communication studies as a new field of the humanities?
TOMASZ GOBAN-KLASEnglish version of the articleEmergence of a new discipline: media and social communication studies
JANUSZ WŁODZIMIERZ ADAMOWSKIEnglish version of the articleAbout the urgent need to create communication and mass media studies as a academic branch in Poland
MAREK JABŁONOWSKIEnglish version of the articleFrom a historian's perspective
WIKTOR PEPLIŃSKIEnglish version of the articleCan journalist and social communication studies become independent?
BEATA OCIEPKAEnglish version of the articleInterdisciplinary advantages - the case of international communication
JACEK DĄBAŁAEnglish version of the articleOn the sense of introducing a new field of studies
WIESŁAW SONCZYKEnglish version of the article"Studia Medioznawcze" 2000-2009 (characterization and assessment of the quarterly)


KATARZYNA GAJLEWICZSarkozy's presidency, a rupture in the French mass media
ŁUKASZ PRZYBYSZIntegrated political communication - attempt of redefining political marketing
ALICJA WASZKIEWICZInternational academic scholarship - the Erasmus experience

Reports and Information

MAGDALENA SZPUNARReport from an international conference, "Society - Culture - Technology at the onset of the XXI century", Cracow, May 21-22, 2009
JOLANTA KĘPA-MĘTRAKThe present becomes the past. Academic conference, "Twenty years of free media in Poland, 1989-2009", Cracow, May 26-27, 2009


WIESŁAW SONCZYKA compendium of Lvov press. Jerzy Jarowiecki, "The history of Polish Press in Lvov since 1945"
SABINA DOBRZYŃSKA"Old and Modern Media", Ed. by Bogumiła Kosmanowa, vol. 3
EWA MODRZEJEWSKAWhere do we get facts from? Wiesław Gałązka, "There are no set facts. The creation of information as well as public and media image"
KATARZYNA KOCHANIAKRafał Szczepanik, "Unusual cases of Public Relations"
MICHAŁ DROŻDŻThe family in media. "Family and media. The XXIII International Family Congress. Materials from an international conference", Ed. Terezia Rončaková
BERNADETTA DARSKATrailing men and women. Dorota Zaworska-Nikoniuk, "Femininity and masculinity ideals in XXI century Polish women's press"
ŁUKASZ PRZYBYSZWeronika Madryas-Kowalska, "Information manipulation. Public relations in organizations of particular risk"