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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (14) 2003

Papers and Documents

MACIEJ MROZOWSKIThird person effect or perception of other people's receptivity of the influence of mass media
MONIKA WORSOWICZJournalistic statementes - the attempt of classify
RADOSŁAW SAJNAThe contemporary media system of Spain
ANNA PRZYBYLSKALocal radio and television in Holland from idea to practice
AGNIESZKA ROSIŃSKAThe linguistic picture of the concept of man in advertisements
ANNA SIEWIERSKA-CHMAJFatherland, nation and society - usage of these termes in exposes of Polish prime ministers between 1919-2001

Reports and Information

AGNIESZKA STĘPIŃSKAScientific conference: "Law. Press. Internet. Civic ethics. Cultural instrumentarium of freedom"
DARIUSZ TWORZYDŁO, TOMASZ SOLIŃSKIReport from the II Congress on Public Relations 2003


MARCIN HALKIEWICZMariusz Jabłoński, Krzysztof Wygoda Access to information and its limits
ELŻBIETA KOSSEWSKAMedia in the teachings of the Church; Antoni Lewek Basics of media education and journalism
JAKUB WAJERFrom the history of press in Wielkopolska Vol.5. Edited by Jan Załubski
LIDIA POKRZYCKADominika Maison Focused group interviews. Qualitative method of marketing research