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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (49) 2012


The use of press content by internet portals and companies monitoring media – selected legal aspects

Jacek Wojtaś

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The article presents different forms of using press content on the internet in the light of prevailing legal regulations of Polish copyright law and the 2001/29/WE directive of the EU Parliament. Detailed attention will be given to regulations on fair use of copyright work – the so-called dissemination law (art. 25 of Polish copyright law), quotation law (art. 29) and general clauses restricting these laws. In the second part of the article, the actions of companies providing press clipping services have been discussed, since some Polish companies have based their functioning on art. 30 of the Polish copyright law and similar laws, forgetting that this exception concerns only analogous use of only parts of work. The activity of Polish companies has been presented in the light of European pressclipping companies. The article is supplemented with the most accurate verdicts of European courts, which should be taken into account in amending polish legal acts.


copyright law, fair use, citation law, press monitoring, jurisdiction