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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (51) 2012


Why do Politicians Need Television Debates? A Content Analysis of Polish Debates

Marek Mazur, Aleksandra Konieczny

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The aim of the study discussed in the article was to recognise the content and form of televised campaign debates in Poland in the years 1995–2010. Their content analysis concentrated on verbal message elements of politicians and journalists participating in debates in the context of functional theory of political discourse. In the light of the study, political candidates focus on a positive presentation of their election offer, treating debates primarily as a form of advertising. Politician’s appeals refer to matters of policy and character to a similar degree. Their platform statements consist of pragmatic messages, referring to current issues in a superficial form, and in statements on personal issues, what dominates are political competences. Debates turn out to be a highly contextualized form of political communication.


televised campaign debates, election campaign, functional theory of political discourse, contents analysis