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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (50) 2012


Stefan Kisielewski in “Kultura”


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Stefan Kiesielewski (1911–1991) began his regular work with the monthly „Kultura”, edited by Jerzy Giedroyc (1906–2000), in the 1970s, although his occasional presence did not go unnoticed at least a decade earlier. The two editors knew each other since before the war and from the bi-weekly “Bunt Młodych” (later “Polityka”). Despite differences in political views, which further increased after 1945, Giedroyc printed Kisielewski’s fiction, columns, articles, interviews, letters and opinions about the Parisian circle. His largest collection of work is the series of columns Wołanie na puszczy (A call on the wild) and Widziane inaczej (Seen differently). This was the type of journalism that Giedroyc most highly valued in Kisiel. Disputes concerned articles on the role of the emigration, possible systematic reforms in Poland and the consequences of the country’s geopolitical position. In the name of the editor-in-chief, Juliusz Mieroszewski had “protested” against them. Kisielewski’s work was published during the period of heightened censorship of his work in Poland.


emigration, Literary Institute in Paris, feuilleton writing, censorship, anticommunism