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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (54) 2013


Refining Network Information on the Example of Parliamentary Elections. Part 2. Internet Portals, Media and Content Contexts

Włodzimierz Gogołek, Paweł Kuczma

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An important part of information resources available online as part of Big Data are Internet portals created by professionals. Frequently, though not always, they are an expanded, updated version of the printed editions of dailies and magazines. An important feature influencing the topics, range and quality of content created on these sites is their creation by professional editorial offices. Refining these resources – as new sources of journalistic information – is an addition to the first part of the presented research results, which concerned information sources provided by refining social networks, where content is usually created by non-professionals.


Internet, Big Data, internet portals, refining Big Data, new sources of journalistic information, parliamentary elections 2011