Construction of masculinity and femininity in press coverange of FIFA World Cup in 2010 and 2014 in “Gazeta Wyborcza”
Zbigniew Dziubiński, Natalia Organista, Zuzanna Mazur
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From feminist point of view sport has been sexist institution. Especially aggressive, contact disciplines as football contributes to sustain current gender order. The aim of the study was analysis of newspaper coverage of FIFA World Cup in 2010 and 2014. Those events were chosen because football is still considered as discipline reproducing hegemonic form of masculinity. “Gazeta Wyborcza” („GW”) was chosen because it is the most opinion-forming newspaper in Poland. Content analysis was used to examine articles. The conclusion is that the press coverage of FIFA World Cup in 2010 and 2014 in „GW” reproduces hegemonic masculinity.
gender, “Gazeta Wyborcza”, football, masculinity and femininity, press, FIFA Worlds Cup