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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (50) 2012


Research methodology and journalistic professionalism


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The debate on the methodology of the journalistic profession started when journalism emerged as a field of study at European and American universities, almost a hundred years ago. Interdisciplinary pragmatics of journalism has always been dominated by the theoretical models of academic research and knowledge. The paradox is that journalism with its inherent methodological roots in social sciences, especially history, sociology, and law, has treated methodology like an orphan child. The backbone of journalistic work – collecting, processing, and the publication of press releases, has always been determined by and will continue to define the crucial stages of journalistic work. This article attempts to describe these first two stages of creating texts and programmes, which make up journalistic research. These are the basic elements of a research workshop and the most important instruments to guarantee a quality research. The author redefines the category of ‘research’ – treating it in a broad sense, as a process of acquiring and verifying journalistic material, and not just working with existing sources. The study compares journalistic research and epistemology with the logical, legal and ethical postulate of truth. Moreover, the historical contexts of journalistic professionalism, as well as the threats associated with online research, which is commonly used in newsrooms around the world, will be discussed.


methodology, research, journalism, professionalism