Media accountability in the hands of the audience. Experiences from Sweden
Anita Ceglińska
(Wydział Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego/Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, Uniwersity of Warsaw)
Pełny tekst artykułu English version of the article
The reports on public trust in media are the foundation for the article. While most of the countries struggle with the implosion of media credibility, the indicators of trust in Sweden remain stable. The aim of the article is to seek for mechanisms, that support professional journalism, with special focus on the role of the public. Public complaints to regulation and self-regulation institutions from 2016 are analyzed. The in-depth interviews with the representatives of MPRT and Pressombudsman helped to formulate the conclusions.
Swedish media, Scandinavian media, international media, media regulation, fake news, professional journalism
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