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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (40) 2010

Zbigniew Złotnicki (1927–2009) – The editor

Papers and Documents

MACIEJ MROZOWSKIEnglish version of the articleThe main Polish tv channels' hidden personalities (TVP1, TVP2, TVN and Polsat)
PIOTR FRANCUZ, ANNA SZALKOWSKA, MAGDALENA SZUBIELSKAEnglish version of the articleHow does image modify comprehension of television news programmes’ content?
JOANNA SZYLKO-KWASEnglish version of the articleInterview or talk-show – Polish conversations on the screen
ANNA ANTCZAKEnglish version of the articleWar correspondents and public affairs officers – mutual or forced cooperation
WOJCIECH ADAMCZYKThe conscience of journalism? Concepts of press ombudsman institution in American media
KATARZYNA GAJLEWICZUnpopular popular press – the situation of French national tabloids
KAMIL ŁUCZAJSexism in advertising and social permission
MIŁOSZ HRYCEKDay after day… The May coup described in Lodz dailies published in Polish
TOMASZ GACKOWSKIOn the methodology of media studies research
ANDRZEJ LASOTAEnglish version of the articleAre media new? A polemic

Reports and Information

EWA MODRZEJEWSKA“Language and culture of tabloids” – report from the 3rd Academic Conference of the Faces of Communication cycle, Wroclaw, June 29–30, 2009
TOMASZ GACKOWSKI, MARCIN ŁĄCZYŃSKIReport from the Polish Communication Association international conference “Development of Agenda Setting Theory and Research. Between West and East”, Wroclaw, November 22–24, 2009


WIESŁAW SONCZYKReflections on the feminist press. Bernadetta Darska "Voices of women. The feminist press after 1989 in view of identity and discourse"
ŁUKASZ SZURMIŃSKIMichał Kaczmarczyk "The Irish media system. Outline of issues"
KRZYSZTOF ŚWIREKDavid Howarth "Discourse"
RYSZARD TADEUSIEWICZA guide for those entangled in the Web. Włodzimierz Gogołek "Web communication. Determinants, categories, paradoxes."