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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (28) 2007

Papers and Documents

TOMASZ PŁUDOWSKIEnglish version of the articleThe Normative and Commercial Models of Political Advertising in the U.S. and Poland
WOJCIECH ADAMCZYKEnglish version of the articleGlobal Media Corporation Expansion into Local Markets in Central Asia (based on the China example)
URSZULA DOLIWA"Mission" - a challenge not only for public radio. The programme of licensed student radio stations in Poland
BOŻENA WYSZYŃSKAEnglish version of the articlePolish Abroad Press on the Web
ANNA KUŁAK"Głos Polonii" 1970-2002
AGNIESZKA STAREWICZ-JAWORSKAEnglish version of the articleDigital press - a replica of the paper edition or an independent communication platform?
ANNA PRZYBYLSKAEnglish version of the articleInformation and Communication Technologies and the Social Capital in Finland

Reports and Information

ILONA NIEBAŁ-BUBAFifty years of research on media and communication in Poland, present state of affairs, challenges and perspectives


ROBERT GROCHOWSKISam Brenton, Rouben Cohen >Shooting People: Adventures in Reality<
IWONA HOFMANKonrad W. Tatarowski >Literature and Writers in the Program of the Polish Section of the Radio Free Europe<