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Issue Index » Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (18) 2004

Papers and Documents

KAROL JAKUBOWICZCommunicative democracy: the (unfinished) evolution of the concept
ZBIGNIEW BAUER, ANDRZEJ WOJNACHTeaching journalists or media education? Technologies - cognition - communication
TADEUSZ KONONIUKThe ethics of the political and media actors
ELŻBIETA KOSSEWSKAFollowing "Stopka" - the activites of the Press Research Association
MONIKA WORSOWICZGermany in the editorials of Andrzej Szczypiorski
DOROTA LEWANDOWSKAThe "short press item" as a journalistic genre
RAFAł HABIELSKI"Wiadomości Literackie" 1924 - 2004

Reports and Information

MARTA JASReligious media in Poland (1989 - 2004)
URSZULA DOLIWAInternational Conference "Language@multimedia"


WIESłAW SONCZYKMedia - The sinful spell of manipulation Maciej Iłowiecki The distorting mirror. On manipulation in the media
MAREK KOCHANIn Defence of Empire Chaim Perelman The Realm of Rhetoric
ALEKSANDRA SUCHORZEWSKADan Verton Black Ice. The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism
ANNA JUPOWICZThe inside story of the psychology of advertising Dariusz Doliński The Psychological Mechanisms of Advertising
ILONA NIEBAŁ-BUBAMedia, language, literature - rivalry or co-operation? Media, language, literature. Correspondences and transpositions. Ed. by Aleksander Woźny