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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (9) 2002


The Open Channel in Hamburg – an Outline of the History and Operation of the Citizens' Channel

Bożena Wyszyńska

The Open Channel is a radio and television form which broadcasts programs by groups and individuals at their own liability. The content is created without restrictions and the broadcasting is on a local level. Characteristic traits of the model include free access, lack of a programming and editing concept and the rule of the queue (broadcasting in order of submission). Experience acquired in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden shows that this means of communication works if it receives technical, financial and teaching support. The Hamburg Open Channel was established in 1985. Its operation is regulated by the Hamburg Media Law. The act provides, among other things, that the broadcaster (the Hamburg New Media Office) provides only studio space and technical radio and television production tools. The users are held legally liable for content. The program has achieved significant popularity, so it would be worthwhile to consider the formation of a similar institution in Poland.


Open channel, television form, television station, responsibility of media