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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (25) 2006


Poland's Image in "Passauer Neue Presse"

Justyna Woźna

"PNP" is the main daily newspaper published by the German press concern Verlagsgruppe Passau (known also as Passauer). The VGP is also the main investor in the Polish regional press. Since the "PNP" is considered to be sympathizing with the CSU (the Christian Socialist Union, Bavarian Conservative Party) and supporting organizations of German expellees, it is also accused of representing their opinions in terms of their skeptical attitude towards Poland's accession into the EU. The aim of the article is to present the of a content analysis of the 'PNP' in respect of Poland's image and the German - Polish relations between 2000 and 2004. In her research the author resorts to both quantitative and qualitative methods of content analysis.


content analysis, Poland's image, German-Polish relations