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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (15) 2004


The structure of intimate dialogues in a chat room

Monika Worsowicz

Intimate dialogues are conversations on the subject of sexual life that are held through the medium of IRC service on private channels. The anonymity of participants allows for a discussion of even the most private problems and exchange of controversial opinions and personal questions. The structure of dialogue the is similar to conversation - interview or narration, it can also be of a mixed type. When it is an interview type conversation the participants are talking freely about sex, personal interests and their own practise in this area. In this type predominate random questions and answers, sometimes one of the participants is leading the talk. The narration type of dialogue is a more or less succesful attempt to present the course of sexual act which is defined as "making cybersex". Intimate dialogues provide Internet's participants with a sense of freedom and also satisfy natural curiosity about the most personal experiences of other people.


Internet, chat, conversation, conversation - interview, narration, cybersex.