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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (14) 2003


Journalistic statements - the attempt of classify

Monika Worsowicz

This article is an attempt of classify of press journalistic statements. The traditional divisions two kinds: information and journalism and within them on sorts and changes of sorts are not enough whereas the press is being during dynamic evolution and their cultural role has changed. Very often there isn't possibly to determine the kind of text. By this reason it is necessary to look in detail at author's intentions and functions that text fulfil in the presence of receiver. With regard to these in the criterions it is possible to singling out three group of texts: information texts, persuade texts and critical texts, in which predominate intentions: informing, persuading and estimating. Domination of one intention does not exclude presence of another. The text can be classify after analysis, that taken into consideration: cognitive worth, reality, language and author's presence in text.


Journalistic kinds, journalistic sorts, press, information, journalism, informing intention, persuade intention, critical intention, function, text, receiver, author, cognitive worth, reality, language