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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 5 (15) 2003


Internet - the chance for a report as journalese genre:

Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński

Are there no chances for survival of a hand-written report in the era of electronic media development? It seems, however, that Internet offers new possibilities for reporters, who - using new computer technologies - may only improve the form of a report. Internet report is richer than a hand-written one, as it is not limited to only discussing the problem, but it also shows the problem (a film, video recording). In Internet report it is possible to present a rich dossier of text elaboration (not enclosed documentation), which only helps the internaut to better understand presented stories.


Report blocks, globalization, Internet, cursoriness/roughness of transmission, press, report, reporter, Internet report, reality, reporting