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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (46) 2011


Journalism in a light of interactive communication: history and modern day

Walentyn Nikołajewicz Wandyszew

Upon the existing works, it is possible to delineate the key issues in modern global information societies. These issues, being the object of assessment and interpretation, have drawn the attention of numerous people. The key subject of mass media means is the journalist, since so much depends on his ideological, political, ethical and religious opinions. Particularly, political journalists play a special role here. In modern day, the status and meaning of word has changed dramatically. Information, earlier thought of as a rather boring although necessary element for proper functioning of the economy, has now grown in status to be the most important product. And that is not all. The theory of information has transformed into an intellectual metastructure which fundamental ideas have penetrated deep into the core of the most important fields of studies and which largely determine the shaping of the world view as formulated within the new paradigm. Hence, life itself as a whole is an infinite, complex and splendid process of information processing, stored within the human body and transmitted from one individual to another. Undoubtedly, the key issue is reception or understanding of the context of events taking place around us. Understanding of the essence means mastering the situation and, thus, having the freedom to act. That is the key to obtaining real power or control, not via the activities of politicians and deputies powerless despite possessing their plenary powers.


globalism, communication, information, ideology, journalist, sense, knowledge, understanding