Ekspansja globalnych korporacji medialnych na lokalne rynki w Azji Środkowej (na przyk.adzie Chin)
Wojciech Adamczyk
English version of the article
The globalization in field of transfer of content joins with expansion of great supranational media corporations on markets of many states of the world. Special interest media moguls tie to quickly developing economically states in Asia, which are the most populated part of the world. Overcoming linguistic and cultural differences takes place with continuous "softening" of local regimes, which with trouble and very slowly assimilate western standards of mass media functioning. The article discusses the gradual winning of the Chinese market by the largest media concerns and the ways of winning the favour of State Centre government. The activity of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation and belonging to him STAR TV is an exemplification of this process.
media, Asia, global corporation, STAR TV, Rupert Murdoch