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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (45) 2011


Between ether and paper. “Solidarność Radia i Telewizji” – the Radiokomitet journalists’ magazine

Paweł Szulc

PDF English version of the article

“Solidarność Radia i Telewizji”, a magazine published between 1985–1989, was a creation somewhere in between press and electronic media. On the one hand, it was a printed magazine but, on the other, the majority of its authors were journalists who once used to work for Radiokomitet (Radio and Television Committee). These journalists were, after the introduction of martial law in Poland, expelled from their positions, without further possibility to find work in the profession. They did not, however, lose their journalist spirit and heart. Many continued their work, writing for clandestine press, others established periodicals on their own. This was the case with “Solidarność Radia i Telewizji”. Content analysis of this periodical shows readers a subjective view of events from the end of the Communist era in Poland. The articles attempted to counterbalance radio and television’s propaganda activity from the late 1980s. Presented were also various bitter recollections from that period of time. The authors did not conceal the fact that journalist vetting during the martial law period was a traumatic experience for them.


journalist vetting, radio, television, Radiokomitet, The Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union “Solidarność”, propaganda, clandestine circulation