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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (42) 2010


From deviation to mainstream – evolution of fan studies

Piotr Siuda

PDF English version of the article

Views on fans are changing rapidly. Not only is it hard to define a fan and pinpoint his characteristics but also different researchers have their own ideas about them. Ideas which very often differ considerably. There exists a multitude of ways to describe a fan, to decide whether his activities are communal, and if they are – what is the strength of this communal engagement and what makes fans create communities. Despite the chaos regarding ways of defining fans, one can distinguish certain description similarities. Officially, there are no schools, therefore, the article does not wish to characterize them. The goal of the author is rather to put fan studies in order, to pinpoint certain trends and changes. The author calls them waves of research. Waves which have been coming one after another since the beginning of fan studies. The article indicates chronological periods of waves, their main assumptions, points at main researchers representing every single one.


fan, fans, fandom, fan studies, cultural studies, fan studies evolution