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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (57) 2014


The future of public media in Japan

Andrzej Sawicki

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In 2004 the public media in Japan survived the biggest crisis its conception. There was a misappropriation of funds that were allocated to the program activities NHK (Nihon Hoso Kyokai – Japan Broadcasting Association). Also discloses the pressures of politics curriculum of public radio and television. The audience reacted very strongly to that kind of event. Many of them said that they no longer have to pay a subscription. It should be emphasized that the license fees are as much as 95% of the income NHK. Japanese Broadcasting Association was found on the model of British BBC and is not anyway subsidized by the government. The legal framework for public media are required subscription fee for each owned a radio and television set. However the law does not provide penalties for evasion of the obligation. The high rate of collection is unique among the subscription of the public media in the world. This is due to the great trust bestowed NHK Japanese society. The Association sets standards in terms of technology and software among Japanese mass media.


Japan, media, public service broadcasting, receiving fee system