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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (8) 2002


Models of Pub1c Reations — a history, evolution and future

Tomasz Płonkowski

Author reviews in his article existing models of public relations. He hegins from ancient roots of PR practice long before defining subject. There is also an overview of models in science of communication. Author describes four modeis of public relations as they were discovered by Grunig and Hunt (1984): one-way - press agent (publicity) and public information; two-way — asynmetrical and symmetrical. There is also shown historical and socjal conditions of beginnings and evolution of these PR models. The first is used by international PR agencies in counties they haye not preyiOUS experience. The second is predominantly practices in countries of short democratic and market history by fresh PR man without professional PR practice. Research on practicising of public relations models demonstrates that each model is appropriate in different situation. Although symmetfical two-way is considered the most ideal, in fact the other ones are more efficient and usable in many circumstances. Polish practitioners declare two-way symmetrical model the best one. Nevertheless many facts indicate that most of them in everyday practice prefer models of press agentry/ publicity or public information. there are also many indices that many Polish pr man use modeis of cultural interpreter and personal influence. These questions require strong and wide researeb.


public relations, public relations models, communication models, public relations in Poland