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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (37) 2009


US presidential TV debates in 2008. Content analysis

Marek Piasecki

PDF English version of the article

The 1960 presidential debate between Kennedy and Nixon have forever changed the way American debates are conducted. Last year's debate between Obama and McCain was also a crucial political and media event. The debate was focused on few key factors such as the global economic crisis, American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and, resulting from it, general discontent with the current presidency. Despite a multitude of issues discussed, the most imperative was the discussion on the growing economic recession. Candidates focused on creation of new work places programmes, spending reduction and tax reforms. Both candidates' personalities as well as the subject matters discussed have resulted in a general high quality level of the debates and relatively low level of confrontation. Another key subject matter was the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of which the candidates focused less on the future. All in all, the debates were unique due to a diversified debate format, factual answers and the candidates' high personal culture.


debate effects, debate forms, debate subject matters, confrontation character, candidate images, answer time limit