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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (33) 2008


Media and Corruption

Krzysztof Nowakowski

Position of media in Poland as autpoietic system is result of crisis of political power and weakness of civil society. The media shapes of social consciouness of high corruption in Poland by reveal of pathology of public life, can complent of democracy deficit and civil society. Medias answer social needs, but create threats of mistification of reality, as well. This mistification is not indifferent for create of social behaviour, because when people define situations as real, it owns consequences are real. The media dont describe unreal world, only world in unreal proportions, which serve politicians and economic and political interests of media. Revealing of corruption scandals through media is important, affect on social attitudes towards corruption. Shape this type consciousness can be a factor of change, but can creates assenting and unalternative attitudes, too.


corruption, mistification of reality, autopoietic system, instrumetalization of media