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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (11) 2003


Media image of Vladimir Putin

Łukasz Mikołajczak

The present paper attempts to present the image of President Władimir Putin in the media. The article shows Putin's on the few planes.The first one shows Putin's image, which bases on actions directed on press, radio and television. We can in this part different image of Putin in the political independent media and media that under the influence of government.The second plane shows Putin's image, which bases on his social and demographic features, verbal and nonverbal behaviour and selfidentification.The last part presents general image of Russian politics bath in background of certain social and political events, as well on the whole politics that Putin leeds.Each of planes contain separate elements Putin's image presented in media. There are strong connected with each other.That is why one can only present a complete analysis of media's image of Władimir Putin, if one takes into consideration all its individual components.


Putin Vladimir, image, Russia