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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (24) 2006


Dimensions of the global media communication

Stanisław Michalczyk

Contemporary globalisation processes are the result of the fast development of communication techniques, which play essential role in information societies. In the leading countries the development of communicative infrastructure (for example television, the Internet) goes together with "export of meanings", or even "cultural imperialism". The result of the latter is the establishment of global thematisation of global public opinion(global agenda), where the essential share belongs to big media syndicates directed towards maximisation of profits. Global communication very often generates resistance on the part of national and regional societies which aim at saving identity and specific cultural values. Not every part of the world takes the equal share in global communication. Besides USA, Europe and Japan there are regions with poor communicative infrastructure and this excludes them from the world circulation of information and innovation. A modern global village needs practical and theoretical reflection submitted to the problem: why people do not understand each other and why they don't want to understand each other?


communication, information society, global journalism, global public opinion, commercialization