eEurope, ePoland and e-region, in other words making use of electronic media in the era of the European Union enlargement
Tatiana Majcherkiewicz, Maria Stojkow
Development of www pages of marshal's offices and using Internet by these institutions prove that internet is a convenient tool in communication with citizens. In the process of electronic administration implementation two of its aspects are simultaneously underlined. First, the economic one, being represented by lowered costs of rendered services and saving of performance time. At the same time, implementation of e-administration and creation of information society means not only access to information, but also using it for further dynamic economic development. Second one is the political and social aspect of e-administration operating. Internet gives possibilities of almost unlimited access to information in respect of persons and of decision making processes in public and self-governed administration, contributing to its functioning in conditions of greater openness to public. However, it is only the initial stage. This openness is still superficial and selective, information is not complete, and some offices do not publish it at all. The advantage of this form of communication is the possibility to obtain forms and legal acts from w eb pages, however lack of possibility to fulfill them on-line constitutes an obstacle in full development of e-administration operating.
Administration, Internet, European Union, communication