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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (6) 2002


Journalism in Telewizja Polska [Polish Television] up to 1989. Informational review

Andrzej Kozieł

This article is an informational review of significant journalism forms and journalistic television magazines in Telewizja Polska over the course of three decades. The start of television Journalism in Poland dates back to the mid-50s, The creators of programs initially adapted all hitherto known forms of journalistic expression from the press and radio to the new environment Later, however, they enriched them using abundant new resources from the television studio. Social, political and economic programs, whatever the author wanted to emphasize, madę significant marks on their ideological and political contexts, They were inspired and evaluated by political factors. Cultural programs and popular science shows played a price- less role by civilizing and creating a cultural environment for their audience. They educated and shaped viewers' preferences and sensibiłities. Many of the forms presented and discussed arę considered outstanding in terms of craftsmanship and have a permanent place in the Polish journalistic heritage.


history, Polish Television, Journalism