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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 5 (15) 2003


In search of a new regulating structure of media sector in Poland - European experience

Tadeusz Kowalski

Regulating structure is in fact a derivative of a policy of the state towards electronic media, and in particular towards radio, television and Internet.

What is of material importance in respect of the regulating structure is temporary character of the above mentioned legal norms, rules and institutions. Access to the EU will speed up circulation of capital, commodities and services, as well as will stimulate economic and cultural contacts among citizens and enterprises, thus offering the chance for relatively quick shortening of a civilization distance separating Poland from middle level EU countries.

In the area of telecommunication, radio and television the basic condition for taking advantage of this historical chance is establishment of stable, long-term and foreseeable regulating principles for the activity of companies.


Regulations by law, circulation of capital, media, communication, European Union