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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (7) 2002


Press of Związek Legionistów Polskich (Polish Legionaries Union) – (1922–1939)

Elżbieta Kossewska

Związek Legionistów Polskich – ZLP (Polish Legionaries Union) was an organization joining participants of fighting for independence of Poland in years 1914–1918. It was founded in 1922. After the May coup many representatives of political elites came down from its circles. Till 1926 legionary papers recognized by ZG ZLP (Union’s Board of Management) were the following: “Głos” (“The Voice”) and “Droga” (“The Road”). After the May coup on account of their affiliation to FPZOO the press organs of ZLP were: “Federacja” (“Federation”), “Biuletyn Informacyjny i Prasowy FPZOO” (“FPZOO Information and Press Bulletin”) and “Naród i Wojsko” (“The Nation and the Army”).Co-operating with Związek Peowiaków ZLP published “Biuletyn Informacyjny Legionowo-Peowiacki”. ZLP’s own publishing initiatives include: “Legion” (“Legion”), and “Biuletyn Zarządu Głównego Związku Legionistów Polskich” (“Bulletin of the Management Board of the Polish Legionaries Union”). Moreover, it should be mentioned here that voluminous press of regimental circles, which is also to be included into legionary press, was then in circulation.


Poland, press, legionaries, regimental circles, Federation, ex-service men