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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 4 (51) 2012


Corporate Newsletters – the Birth, Development... and What Next? Case Study

Jolanta Kępa-Mętrak

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For 40 years, since the early 1950s to the end of 1980s, corporate newsletters was an important element of the Polish media system. All major manufacturing facilities had their own periodicals, issued by editorial bodies which consisted mostly of amateur journalists. In this article, the author in detail analyses only one such title – “Głos Załogi” (“Voice of the Crew”) issued by the Kieleckie Zakłady Wyrobów Metalowych (Kielce Plant of Metal Products). She refers, however, to the situation of the entire country, to the generally abiding rules and recommendations, giving other examples of corporate periodicals and their history before and after 1990. Attempting to answer the title question, the author concludes that a relic of the past often turns out to be a model for the present.


corporate newsletters, Poland, Kielce, the 20th century