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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (41) 2010


New strategy of „Nowy Dziennik”

Michał Kaczmarczyk

PDF English version of the article

“Nowy Dziennik” is the largest Polish community journal on the east cost of the United States. The daily, first published in 1971, has been noting a systematic drop in sales, which, among other things, is related to Poland’s accession into EU, changes in the direction of Poles’ emigration, and, in consequence, a reduced number of Polish citizens arriving and permanently residing in the territory of the US. This article attempts to characterize the strategies underlying the changes introduced to “Nowy Dziennik” by the new Management Board of Bicentennial Publishing, the publisher, appointed in 2008. These changes (such as a shift towards local matters, refreshed brand image on the Internet, reinforcement of the role of the daily as an organiser) are intended to stabilise the market position of the newspaper and enable it to sustain its position as one of key Polish community public institutions in the USA.


Polish community press, emigration, local matters in the media, management of editorial office, Polish community abroad, Poles in New York