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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (22) 2005


New Technologies in Electronic Media. Digitalisation, Internet - What's Next?

Bohdan Jung

In the mid-1990s the media market was showing signs of anxiety about the future prospects of the industry in the era of unstoppable expansion of digital technologies. The main debate about technological development of the media focused on the rivalry between television and the Internet for the position of a "supermedium", consequences that development of digital media would have for traditional ones (displacement or complementarity), changing business models and media consumption patterns, especially among the on-line generation. Despite widespread stipulation that media of the future will move entirely to the Internet, there are already growing signs of saturation with virtual media, which point to the creation of new subsegments of the media market, which through a wide choice of electronic gadgets give enhanced functionality to more traditional media.


electronic media, traditional media, new media technologies, digitalisation, future media consumers