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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (46) 2011


From “The New York Times” to “The Huffington Post”. American press transformation

Alicja Jaskiernia

PDF English version of the article

The printed press in the USA has been experiencing a crisis since the 1990s. Publishers are transferring their newspapers into the Internet and offering applications on new platforms such as tablets or smartphones. Does that mean the end of printed press, and not only in the USA? Jeremy Tunstall, a British media expert, once said that “Media are American” meaning “What’s in America is everywhere”. If the press does not make it in the USA, it might mean that it is doomed indefinitely. Crisis of the press in the USA, which has always been the foundation of freedom and an instrument of control of the authorities by the people, incites fear regarding the quality of journalism in the age of media convergence and de-professionalism of journalism.


printed press, press sector in the USA, convergence, Internet, Web media, tablet