Protection of children and youth by the medial law of the Fifth Republic
Małgorzata Gruchoła
This article describes legal instruments which provide the means to protect and safeguard the physical, mental and moral health of children and young people by the medial law of the French Republic. Analyses of French legal regulations are supplemented by international documents regarding generally the rights and duties of children and young people, as well as international documents concerning the media. The law regulating the audiovisual media market in France is Statute no 86-1067 from September 30 1986 concerning freedom of communication. Art. 1, 15 and 43-66 of the law protecting juvenile viewers is analyzed. The text also discusses decrees and decisions issued by the Supreme Audiovisual Council, conventions regulating the activity of public, private and cable channels, as well as certain articles of the penal code of June 12 1992 and of the Constitution.
Protection, law, children, young people, media