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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (38) 2009


Frequency lists from national dailies in 2008 - a research report

Tomasz Gackowski, Marcin Łączyński

In 1972, the nestor of Polish media studies, professor Walery Pisarek, published Frekwencja wyrazów w prasie: wiadomości, komentarze, reportaże (Word frequency in press: news, commentaries, reports). Since then, no such study has been carried out, regarding word frequency in the press after 1989, until this research project. This paper presents the result of the project, carried out by members of Koło Naukowej Obserwacji Polskich Mediów (Scientic Observation of Polish Media Circle) at Warsaw University regarding the vocabulary used by national broadsheet dailies in 2008. It can be said that the results obtained do not only credibly reflect the language used by the dailies in building narration of the presented reality but are also a compelling diagnosis of media discourse, in which broadsheet newspapers play a leading role.


frequency lists, frequency, quantity analysis, discourse, dailies, narration