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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 2 (49) 2012


The Polish press market between 1990–2010

Jolanta Dzierżyńska-Mielczarek

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The belief in the growing crisis of printed press seems unjustified in the light of statistical data: the numbers of press titles in Poland, their one-time editions and circulation have increased by 100 per cent in the last 20 years. The author tries to determine the size and structure of the Polish press market, as well as changes occurring within it. However, she notes that the dynamics of this development is weakening and the progressive increase in the number of titles and the size of press circulation is linked with its decrease in periodicity. The situation of daily newspapers is especially difficult, as they experienced a fall in all of the mentioned aspects. The drop in advertizing revenue forced changes in business models and a search for income in fields outside the press. The internet is the most dynamically developing media sector, but the profit margin of activity on the web does not compensate for the decline in revenue of printed media.


press, Polish press market