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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 1 (52) 2013


Approving ACTA in Poland in the Opinion of Students – Research Results

Zbigniew Chmielewski, Paweł Kuca

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Signing the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) by the Polish government was one of the most important political issue in early 2012. This announcement brought about a wave of protests, mainly among young people, who treated the agreement as a tool limiting freedom on the Internet. The article presents the research results of an opinion poll on Polish students concerning the ACTA case and the information campaign prepared by the Polish government. Discussed are the attitudes of young people towards social dialog, their expectations regarding the forms of social consultation on ACTA, and the way they perceive the case of copyright infringement on the Internet.


ACTA, Internet, students on ACTA, protests against ACTA, opinion polls, intellectual property