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Studia Medioznawcze Media Studies 3 (26) 2006


Public Radio's Mission and Vision

Jan Beliczyński

The paper analyses information management on The article begins with a statement that in the present conditions of increasing concentration of media processes, the development of information technology and intensification of commercial broadcasters. activities, the present mission and vision of regional broadcasting stations is becoming obsolete. The introduction presents vision as well as the essence of regional radio. Next presented is the classification of mission functions of regional public radio with a focus on its most important aspect- the transmission of social values to wider audiences. Following, outlined are the rules for fulfiling regional radio missions. Much space is devoted to the issue of implementation of regional public radio missions and visions in the technological and programming aspects. Goals of such radio should be seen in the possibilities of programme splitting and the creation of local departments. From the point of view of the audience such activities are welcome since they can lead to broadcaster's increasing role as a local medium. The creation of joint wavebands for regional broadcasters is a negation of their local character. Public regional radio should be the type of radio which is fastest to meet information needs of local communities and which is close to their local issues and needs.


mission, vision, regional public radio, 'mission' functions, radio strategy, programme splitting, visionary radio product